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How many Recipes can I have in a project?
Tags: Recipe Macro Data FAQ
If using RW memory for the recipes, the number of recipes is limited by the amount of memory that is available, which is 524,287 registers. For example, if each recipe is comprised of 100 16-bit words, you could have up to 5242 recipes.

If using the Recipe Database, you can have up to 100 recipes in an EBPro project. Each recipe can have as many items (columns in the Recipe View) as it takes to comprise 2000 words and up to 10,000 records (rows in the Recipe View). For example, if each item is 16-bit unsigned, then you could have up to 2000 items. If each item is 32-bit signed, then you could have up to 1000 items.

If each item is an ASCII data type configured for 20 words, then you could have 100 items. No matter how many items you have in a recipe, you can have up to 10,000 records.

Content Created by David Franzwa